General Settings
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Last updated
Will take you to the network's respective scanner (e.g. and display your wallet's recent transactions.
Walks you through setting up the TG scanner by entering your TG credentials.
See TG Credentials (How To) to figure out what values to enter here.
Saves currently set buy configuration in Buy Configuration.
This is where you'll be adding your "escape wallet" to be used for escape transfer feature.
Saves currently set sell configuration in Sell Configuration.
This will be your multi wallet manager, allowing you to enable or disable wallets. Displays total balance of all wallets. Displays each wallet's individual balance. Allows toggling each wallet on or off for snipes. Allows wallets to be clicked to check recent transactions for that specific wallet. Most importantly, allows the toggle for turning Multi Wallet ON or OFF.
If you'd like to add your own wallets to be used for multi wallet feature, you can do so by adding in your wallet's private key here.
The amount entered here will be distributed across all multi wallets. (E.g. If I enter 1 BNB and i have 5 multi wallets, 0.2 BNB will be distributed across each wallet from the main bot wallet).