🔧Sell Configuration

Slip, Gas, Gwei, and Token To Sell (CA) have the same description as Buy Configuration

Sell at profit - This option is related to the auto sell functionality in the bot. To use this feature, enter a number for the bot to auto sell at when in profit. E.g. When trade reaches 100% profit, bot will auto sell.

Note: When needing to make changes to sell at profit, disable it first, then change the number, and then re-enable it.

Sell at loss - This option is related to the auto sell functionality in the bot. To use this feature, enter a number for the bot to auto sell at when at a loss. E.g. When trade reaches -20% loss, bot will auto sell.

Note: When needing to make changes to sell at loss, disable it first, then change the number, and then re-enable it.

Slider - The slider allows you to determine how much % of the tokens you'd like to sell. (E.g. setting slider to 50% will sell only 50% of your tokens)

Split Sells - Amount of times you want the bot to sell. (E.g. Selling 100% of tokens with split sells set to 2, will send 2 sell transactions, each transaction with 50% of tokens)

isBusd - Select this option if the pair you sniped was originally a BUSD/USDC pair. Otherwise if incorrect pair is sent, you may lose funds

Approve Tokens - Click this button to approve your tokens for selling. Attempting to sell without approving your tokens will lead to a TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED error.

Sell Tokens - Once tokens have been approve. Click this button to sell your tokens.

If Multi Wallet feature is turned ON, you will see the following table:

This table will display each wallet, how many tokens it has, and whether or not it's disabled.

If a wallet is enabled, the bot will sell all the tokens for that wallet, If a wallet is disabled, the wallet will not sell its tokens.

Escape Methods

Escape methods are used to sell all your tokens prior to a dev invoking a speficic method or methods on the contract. This is an anti-rug measure used to protect yourself against scams.

Clicking on the Select will display options for you similar to method snipe for buying after a method is triggered. However, instead of for buying, it's for selling prior to the method being invoked.

Selecting options for here will be displayed as such:

The first method we selected is blacklistAccount(adddress,bool). Since this method takes in 2 parameters (address, and bool), their respective inputs were displayed.

  1. Address - this is a blockchain address consisting of 42 chars. Basically like a wallet address. In this specific case, this method is used to blacklist a wallet from selling. I would enter my wallet address in the address field.

  2. Bool - This is a true or false value. In this specific case, it represents whether to blacklist the wallet (true) or not blacklist it (false). We would choose true here, because we only want the bot to sell if our wallet is being blacklisted.

Given that we setup the first method like so:

If the dev invokes the blacklistAccount method with our wallet address set in the address field, and true for the boolean (bool), the bot will catch this in the mempopol and sell all our tokens prior to the devs transaction getting mined. Essentially, we've saved our funds from being blacklisted and will be able to sell prior to the blacklist call.

Now for the updateTaxes(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256), we notice it looks much different from the initial blacklistAccount(address,bool) method. This is because it accepts different parameters for it's call. In this case, the updateTaxes(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256) takes in 6 numbers, each number representing a specific tax to set. (E.g. marketingTax, devTax, etc).

We can configure this by entering the 6 numbers we don't want the dev to raise taxes to.

For example:

If the dev decides to call updateTaxes with 99 set for each tax, the bot will sell prior to the dev being able to turn the token into a honeypot.

Note: This feature is still in Beta testing. Additionally, an update will be made to allow values greater than or equal to the number set by the user. This way, the bot can sell if a tax is set greater than the number you specified. Also please note, the number 99 used in this example is purely used as an example. Numbers can be 9999, 999, 9, etc, it depends on the divisor used on the contract. Please double check previous owner txns to get a better idea of the divisor used and the numbers to set.

Once you've configured your escape methods, you can simply click the scan methods button below them to begin scanning the mempool for these pending transactions by the owner.

Hint: You can leave all fields completely blank, if the bot sees any pending transaction for that method, it will sell regardless of what the parameters passed in are.

Last updated